Aiden’s favorites:
Aiden is 12 years old and loves music, balls, and anything that lights up and makes noise! Mickey Mouse is his buddy and he enjoys the whole Disney gang. He particularly dislikes anything furry, such as stuffed animals, no matter how hard I try to get him into them.
Aiden’s diagnosis:
We received Aiden’s diagnosis at the age of 4. He grew up with delays and several autistic characteristics. Finally, after the microarray we had a diagnosis; Aiden had Mecp2 duplication syndrome. This diagnosis was completely upsetting, but we were also relieved that we finally knew what was happening to our son.
Aiden’s family wants you to know:
Aiden is our adopted son (biological grandson) and has lived with us since he was a month old. He is an incredible young man and we love him dearly.